Wednesday, July 6

Meanwhile, Back in London

We’re back and I have been trying to get myself to write about Cyprus—it’s not that I’ve got the “If you can’t say anything nice. . .” problem, though I kind of do, it’s just that I wrote about it on the plane and in trying to explain my rather complicated reaction to the whole experience, I rambled on and on and still hadn’t really said anything in particular that had happened. So if I can ever muster up the energy I’ll tell you more about it—the complicated version that is, the short answer is that we had a great time and the ocean was beautiful. I learned that I don’t need to take a weeklong beach vacation ever again and that I’m not good at hot sweaty and dusty—ancient ruins are picturesque but I don’t have enough background to appreciate them and poor places make me sad—especially when contrasted with the empty feeling of people on holiday spending money at a resort when the town up the hill is run down and seems like it is years behind in terms of development and technology. So I guess I ‘m saying don’t let the pictures fool you, Paphos is sort of ramshackle and depressing, but at the same time, there were some really great things there too. The students were fun to travel with—we had a great time in that regard, and for them, going to church at the little branch there was a great experience (I couldn’t go—I was sick that day) and we had some great cheese and humus and ate a Meze—a sample dinner with lots of courses. It was amazing to be there at the place where the apostle Paul had been—and they even think they have the very pillar where he was whipped with 39 lashes. I think the absolute highlight for me was watching the sunset over the ocean—the sun gets low and the sky is beautiful and it casts that wonderful pink/gold light –that lasts about a half a hour then the sun gets really low and finally you can actually see it move down and down ‘til in the blink of an eye it’s gone—that quick. It was a challenge to try and take pictures – I couldn’t really ever catch the magic of it even though I think the pictures are beautiful and pretty cool. Anyway, see for yourself at—soon—I will post this then get to work on updating the web page, it takes awhile.

We leave for an overnight trip to Oxford tomorrow—looking forward to it. We have about 6 really great places we’re visiting including Blenheim Palace (birthplace of Winston Churchill and used for Kenneth Branaugh’s Hamlet,) and Rousham, the place where Mark found the inscription we used for Hal’s grave.

Thanks for checking in on us—


P.S. There’s a fun debate going on over at Kacy’s blog—Spiderman needs your help.

Go to


At Wednesday, July 06, 2005 5:03:00 AM, Blogger Julie said...

I've just been sidetracked by the selection process for the Olympic City in 2012. I'm better friends with Paris than in the past, but London wants it sosososososososososososososososososososososo much! The vote just got over but they haven't announced the winner--the suspence is killing us, everyone is at Trafalgar square watching on big screens everything that happens in Singapore--it's funny, everyone said the US presentation was slick, fun, gorgeous and wonderful (Spielberg did it) but it was never really in the running. Last night Chirac insulted British cuisine and I hope it ends up costing them the bid--he is not a likeable man. Tony Blair has so much class--he is so articulate and sincere, I really like him. Stay tuned--did anyone in the US even know we were trying for it? It never even comes up when I check US headlines. 45 minutes and counting. . .

At Wednesday, July 06, 2005 7:47:00 AM, Blogger kacy faulconer said...

I haven't heard too much about it. Love Tony Blair. Welcome back from Cyprus and hurry up with the pictures. Off to Oxford? So busy.

At Wednesday, July 06, 2005 10:39:00 AM, Blogger kacy faulconer said...

Talk about busy! I got a new laundry hamper AND a new garbage can from Costco, both metal. So I've been finding room for those and re-organizing the whole laundry/garbage system. It's a wonder I have time to blog (at length) about Spider-Man and Batman. I guess we make time for what's important, don't we.

At Wednesday, July 06, 2005 1:21:00 PM, Blogger Julie said...

And. . . . .
It's there--the updated webpage--go see.
If you think I don't love Rob as much as as the other two, rest assured I'd put up photos if I had them--he won't ever pose for me. Feel free to complain on his blog so as to pressure him into compliance, not that that will help, but it's worth a try.
P.S. London is the winner and everyone is so happy over here, it's great fun.

Kacy--I don't even dare weigh in on your Spiderman vs Batman blog--it's looking bad for Spiderman, but he's been down and out before--I'm looking for a come from behind victory--sort of like London. Go get 'em tiger indeed!

At Thursday, July 07, 2005 12:48:00 AM, Blogger Julie said...

Wow! I heard from so many of you since I sent out an email telling you to check us out--Thanks! No time to write you all back (the coach is here) but I do appreciate hearing from you all--now if I could only talk you into leaving a comment and getting a blog for yourselves, we'd really be on a roll--
4 separate people said who is Kacy and she is a riot! You really are hip!

At Thursday, July 07, 2005 10:17:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will write quick--Henry doesn't do well wehn I don't give him 100% attention while Mazie is sleeping. He's saying "'scuse me" as he tries to push the keyboard draw in. I'm trying to give him enough attention but not too much. HOw do you do that anyway? And don't tell Stanford, but he gets his bobbi (pacifier) all day today. My back is out.

So are you all alive and well? I'm watching the coverage of the explosions in London.

Did I tell you that we did have a baby girl? Mazie Grace (yea, I know it's a song). 8 lbs. 4 oz. She's 3 1/2 weeks old now. Very cute. Dimples on both cheeks. I haven't sent pictures to anyone 'cause I don't like any of the ones I took. I'll check to see what I can find.

So are you all right?

At Monday, July 11, 2005 1:34:00 AM, Blogger Amy Lynn said...

Hello hip, cultured, continent hopping Julie Magleby! I just got the overwhelming feeling that my summer is not going to be nearly as educational or inspiring as yours! I left American Fork for a few hours last week (went to Provo...down the big highway) but didn't breathe easy until I was back on home soil! I'm afraid I checked out the debate and voted hands down for Batman. Can I still be friends with the Maglebys?

At Tuesday, July 12, 2005 2:07:00 AM, Blogger Julie said...

Amy Lynn, after your 'I Really Lived' blog, put me down as friend/kindred spirit for life, but you may want to re-think your decision, Spiderman is so like the rest of us regular folk--so loyal to childhood friends and yet can make the hard decisions when it counts--balancing the choice between humanity at large and family and loved ones (the ultimate church calling dilemma)
I shouldn't have started this thread cause what I'm excited about is the real ultimate super villain aka He who cannot be named, but the fact is that I'm about to be late for Mark's class and with great power comes great responsibility--aka where much is given, much is required--not expected, required.

At Tuesday, July 12, 2005 8:41:00 AM, Blogger kacy faulconer said...

Excellent point, Julie. I'm going to cut and paste it into my blog if you don't make the comment yourself. I will give you 2 American hours.

At Tuesday, July 12, 2005 3:18:00 PM, Blogger Julie said...

Let's see. . .
2 American hours, with the exchange rate that means I have only 1 hour and 12 minutes--oh well. . .


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